offered by


Laborforce, Employment and Unemployment
(not seasonally adjusted)

Month Year Labor Force Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
07 2024 9609 9195 414 4.3
06 2024 9583 9232 351 3.7
05 2024 9322 9002 320 3.4
04 2024 9312 9057 255 2.7
03 2024 9370 9094 276 2.9
02 2024 9198 8917 281 3.1
01 2024 9256 8995 261 2.8


Annual Year Labor Force Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
Average 2023 9209 8941 268 2.9
Average 2022 9153 8892 261 2.9
Average 2021 9074 8719 355 3.9
Average 2020 9050 8455 595 6.6
Average 2019 9416 9180 236 2.5
Average 2018 9283 9028 255 2.7
Average 2017 9067 8767 300 3.3
Average 2016 8370 8098 272 3.2
Average 2015 8222 7896 326 4.0
Average 2014 8042 7688 354 4.4
Average 2013 7780 7380 400 5.1
Average 2012 7618 7239 379 5.0
Average 2011 7487 7089 398 5.3
Average 2010 7471 6983 488 6.5


Occupational Wage Data

is available for this area. Download an csv file with the data


Cities and Towns in

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. Learn more..

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Department of Economic Research, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
100 Cambridge St, Boston MA 02114