offered by


Laborforce, Employment and Unemployment
(not seasonally adjusted)

Month Year Labor Force Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
07 2024 7346 7041 305 4.2
06 2024 7304 7042 262 3.6
05 2024 7119 6878 241 3.4
04 2024 7119 6926 193 2.7
03 2024 7158 6951 207 2.9
02 2024 7040 6829 211 3.0
01 2024 7068 6868 200 2.8


Annual Year Labor Force Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
Average 2023 7045 6834 211 3.0
Average 2022 6981 6782 199 2.9
Average 2021 6880 6610 270 3.9
Average 2020 6831 6367 464 6.8
Average 2019 7123 6962 161 2.3
Average 2018 6980 6797 183 2.6
Average 2017 6809 6609 200 2.9
Average 2016 6680 6470 210 3.1
Average 2015 6522 6293 229 3.5
Average 2014 6367 6084 283 4.4
Average 2013 6272 5956 316 5.0
Average 2012 6239 5934 305 4.9
Average 2011 6168 5857 311 5.0
Average 2010 6176 5795 381 6.2


Occupational Wage Data

is available for this area. Download an csv file with the data


Cities and Towns in

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. Learn more..

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Department of Economic Research, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
100 Cambridge St, Boston MA 02114