
Currently displayed projections are for prior periods. Updated projections will be published soon.

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The Department of Economic Research (formerly the Labor Market Information Division) produces, analyzes, and distributes various data, labor market reports, and other resources related to employment, unemployment, occupations, industries, and other components of the Massachusetts labor market.

Economic Data Tools

  • Find Cities and Towns in an Area - Determine what geographic groupings a city/town is included in (Workforce Development Area / WDA, New England City and Town Area / NECTA, etc.) and vice versa.
  • Labor Force and Unemployment Data - Information on the labor force, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates for the United States, Massachusetts, and for each city/town and county in Massachusetts. Information is also available by Workforce Development Area (WDA) and Labor Market Area (LMA).
  • Unemployment Insurance Claimant Profiles - Demographic summaries on MA residents claiming unemployment insurance benefits. Includes information on age, education, industry, occupation, and wage.
  • Workforce Development Area Unemployment Rate Reports - Information on the labor force, employed, unemployed and unemployment rate estimates for each Workforce Development Area (WDA) by month and year. As of July 2023, the Workforce Development Area Unemployment Rate PDF Reports have been transitioned to an interactive data visualization.
  • Municipal Labor Force, Employment, and Wage Data - View local area unemployment statistics, employment, and wages for each Massachusetts city or town.
  • Weekly Unemployment Claims Data - View an Excel file containing information on initial and continued weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims by city/town and county. Includes information on demographics, NAICS Industry, SOC Occupation, and educational attainment of claimants.
  • Local Unemployment Releases - Monthly publication of the non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, labor force, and jobs estimates for the Massachusetts local areas.
  • State Unemployment Releases - Monthly publication of the state unemployment rate, labor force and jobs estimates for Massachusetts.
  • Current Employment Statistics (CES) - Current Employment Statistics (CES) represent monthly estimates of employment by industry. Information is available for the state of Massachusetts, and for New England City and Town Statistical Areas (NECTA).
  • Employment and Wage Industry Data (ES-202) (QCEW) - Information on employment and wages is available by industry for cities/towns, counties, labor market areas, Workforce Development Areas (WDA) and state-wide. This data is collected in the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program in conjunction with BLS.
  • Staffing Patterns by Industry - Information is available for the state of Massachusetts and for each Workforce Development Area (WDA). Select an industry and view employment and wage data for the included occupations.
  • Short Term Industry Projections - Industry employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various industries will change over time. These projections cover 2023 Q2 – 2025 Q2 and include information on employment and growth state-wide, by Workforce Development Area (WDA), and by city/town.
  • Long Term Industry Projections - Industry employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various industries will change over time. These projections cover 2022-2032 and include information on employment and growth state-wide and by Workforce Development Area (WDA).
  • Municipal Employment and Wage Data (All Towns) - Annual employment and wage data for all cities and towns in Massachusetts.
  • Occupational Employment and Wages (OEWS) - Information on employment and wages by occupation, for the state of Massachusetts, New England City and Town Statistical Areas (NECTA) and Workforce Development Areas (WDA).
  • Occupational Staffing Patterns - Occupational employment and wage industry staffing pattern data for the state of Massachusetts and Workforce Development Areas (WDA).
  • Short Term Occupational Projections - Occupational employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various occupations will change over time. These projections cover 2023 Q2-2025 Q2 and include information on employment, growth, wages, and required education state-wide or by Workforce Development Area (WDA).
  • Long Term Occupational Projections - Occupational employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various occupations will change over time. These projections cover 2022-2032 and include information on employment, growth, wages, and required education state-wide or by Workforce Development Area (WDA).
  • Occupation/SOC Search - Search for occupation names, descriptions and Standard Occupation Code (SOC) by keyword.
  • Largest Employers by Area - View the largest employers by the state of Massachusetts, Workforce Development Area (WDA), New England City and Town Area (NECTA), Labor Market Area, city, or town. Information provided by Data Axle.
  • Find Employers by City and Industry Sector - View address and contact information for businesses located in Massachusetts by city or town and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Industry. Information comes from Data Axle.
  • Massachusetts Labor Market Information Map - View labor market and economic research information in an interactive data visual.
  • Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Reporting - Information on the status of the Massachusetts Unemployment Trust Fund.
  • Additional Data Visuals - View additional labor market information/economic research data visuals.

Additional Resources for Find other labor market information

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. Learn more..

Contact Us


Department of Economic Research, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
100 Cambridge St, Boston MA 02114